
Your tragedy is my ceiling

You’re having a moment

A breaking point of sorts

You killed her dream

Or rather

Her dream died upon your demise

Dreams come and go, but

To dream is divine

She needs to dream, but

Your tragedy is my ceiling

A dreamslayer, an auctioneer

Darkness is your highest bidder

Buy yourself a dream

It won’t mean anything

The blood keeps pumping

5 replies »

  1. ‘Auctioneer’ looking for A ‘Highest Bid’ to ‘Build A Wall’ In the Panhandle where i live as someone yelled ‘Crucify Him’ ‘the
    Crowd’ Cheered
    And ‘Pilot’
    Laughed only
    Here can you
    Get Away with this…
    As Easter Mass Repeats…


I welcome your thoughts