Category: Poetry

Hope, like a melody, can’t be dismissed

Rainy Saturday, no fun day,Craziness swirling, pain on replay.Confusion dances, sadness takes lead,Grief, discomfort, the heart does bleed. Loneliness whispers, betrayal’s cruel song,In this contemporaneous world, everything feels wrong.A funday was needed, a respite in sight,But clouds gather, blocking the light. Yet, in this storm of emotions, hope […]

Dancing in showers

What does it mean to be a kid at heart? A kid at heart, that’s the start,Love jumping in puddles, a form of art,When raindrops do play,It’s just the best way,To bring joy and laughter, it imparts. April Fools, pranks, such fun they impart,Makeup on my dog was […]

Many threads weave a story of mine

What are you most proud of in your life? In the tapestry of life’s grand design,Many threads weave a story of mine.I’ve sailed through some strife,And celebrated my life,With pride in the moments that shine. I’m proud of my journey, so wild,Through twists and turns, I’ve compiled.Life’s chapters […]