
If only I were an octopus

I personally have been experiencing crazy, lucid, vivid dreams this past year. It’s my understanding that many others have as well. Probably everyone at this point. We went through a pandemic that seemed never-ending. Well, we are still in the midst of a pandemic. But hope is in the air. It’s spring and I brought out my lilac dresses. Hope!

But back to dreams.

Dreams have been wild. I might have even slept-walked through one night. It’s up for debate.

With that said, I read an article that octupus change colors while they sleep. That seems totally cool to me. It can be a mood ring, of sorts. And, considering how wild our dreams have been this year I would love it if my head turned different colors and I could record it. Oh, if only I were an octopus. Sugarplum or fiery red what are the colors of our sleep?

8 replies »

  1. SMiLes When A Quick Fix Comes Americans
    Fall In Line Not So Much When Patience

    Is Required

    At Least

    Where i live

    TG Yet Yes 50 Percent

    or So of the Trump

    Voters Are Wiling

    to Save Each



    Through ‘A Shot’

    Yes i have a Lucid

    Waking Dream too

    That One Day ‘They’ Wake Up too..

    Meanwhile in Ease i Still Paint Colors of Wind



    Awake With SMiLes

    Am i Shy No Way

    Wind is Never Spirit Quiet..:)


  2. Me too! I have been some extremely disturbing dreams. Wouldn’t call then nightmares, but they truly stay with me for days. I am all colors but mostly grey…


I welcome your thoughts