Tag: evil

Seven layer cake of evil

Here’s a visual for you. Imagine sitting in a room with a group of people who are not friends but you must chat away with anyway. Internally, you wish you could say a few things that are just bubbling up inside. But you keep quiet for the sake […]

Monsters stuck in your head

They say you shouldn’t let people live rent free in your head. Many people manage to do that. Some people stick in your ruminating thoughts cycles. That, is obviously, not a good thing. You can’t let people run circles in your head keeping your mind in a constant […]

Toodles, dear person X

For a few seconds on a saturday night I was ecstatic at the thought of you Happy that I had forgotten your name Your face still brings anger Your venom still poisons But your name, your name Is no longer powerful You name is a memory gone And […]