current events

What a strange, hot sticky summer

The autumn air is starting to envelop us. The slightly crisp air feels so nice on the skin compared to the prickly days just a few weeks ago . This past summer seemed suffocatingly hot and humid. I got heat rashes on top of heat rashes overlayed with countless bug bites.

Remnants of a storm left the highways flooded with abandoned cars. We were caught flat-footed and unprepared for a sneaky storm.

I don’t recall any movie from this past summer. I look back fondly on the days when summer blockbuster movies used to fill a movie theater.

I went bowling this summer. It was a fun outing during a torrential storm. Yet, the fun bowling vibe was a wee bit off. Can’t put my finger on it.

We also no longer have to-go cocktails. One of the things we got out of the pandemic. Now it’s been taken away.

What a strange, hot sticky summer.

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