
Oh, to be a kid with a green pail bucket on the beach

As adults, we have a lot of pressures on us. Job, family, friends, frenemies, shopping, and so forth. We get hit from every angle sometimes.

I rarely went to the beach as a kid. I grew up in the cement world. But, I made a concerted effort to take my son to the beach. We were lucky to have lived in both San Francisco and Los Angeles. And, for a few of his birthdays, we took beach and sunny trips. Pool trips. And, boy did he love them.

The thought of his happiness building a sandcastle, learning to swim, or flying a kite is both invigorating and a bit of sadness. It’s sad, in that, the stage of being a kid enjoying simplicity is gone.

But it need to be.

4 replies »

  1. When I was a kid my grandparents moved to a small resort by the beach, because my Grandma had high blood pressure. That means I spent a good portion of my childhood by the sea. Oh God, how I miss it. If I close my eyes I can still feel the sand on my feet, the warmth of the sun, the smell of the salt in the air and the noise of the waves.

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