
Thankfully Hurricane Dorian missed Puerto Rico but many roofs still are bare

This past summer (and yes this summer seems over) I had a chance to travel to Puerto Rico. Well, I didn’t have a chance. I made it happen. I took my son with me as the protests were winding down over the governor. This was the summer of fun, whimsy, and travel. I’m still craving the french fries I ate in Key West. They were absolutely divine. But that is another topic for another day. I thought it would be educational, yet fun for my son to visit Puerto Rico. And, it was so on many levels.

We stayed in the Condado area on the beach. We got a chance to see many revitalized and buzzing areas and neighborhoods. The pools and bars were full with many tourists which warmed my heart to see.

We also made our way to El Viejo San Juan (old San Juan) where there were protest signs and graffiti everywhere. The island was in political turmoil. Yet, there was grand joy in the streets and a grand sense of vibrancy. Despite the 90+ degree weather we walked everywhere.

We then walked to an area called La Perla. Or rather we were right above it. And, I was saddened to have to explain to my son why the roofs looked the way that they did.

Some buildings had no roofs. Others had tarps. Some buildings looked like Mother Nature had taken a very hungry bite out of it.

There’s vibrancy and grand will. But there is also pain and trauma. Kids were crying when they heard a hurricane may be striking there again. For now, there is grand relief. But those roofs need some TLC.

6 replies »

  1. Wow that is rough. I can’t imagine how hard it must be with hurricanes. Dorian is a 5. I hope people will be ok . This is a great post. The pictures are very enlightening . It’s good for us to be aware of how others . I love all the info you wrote and the photos.


  2. Hurricanes have no choice but to spread warmth of Oceans only if Humans
    Are Directed the same Within spreading Warmth
    Of HeART Will include
    Roofs for those with none
    Over Tax Break Welfare
    For Riches and Walls
    To Keep Brown
    Baby Mexican
    Jesus from
    A Stay At
    The Home
    Of the So-Called
    Brave Who Live
    Under one Love
    Love is
    Afraid to
    Give and Share
    Over Take and
    Hoard consuming
    Others With Least
    Harm unless
    Dead Show
    Me the Love
    Show me
    I’m sure
    I’m Positive
    IF Jesus lives
    This is the
    Will Give
    To those who
    Support him
    Who continue
    To slay Love (God)
    With the Force of
    A Black Hole
    Love from
    Existence of Soul…


I welcome your thoughts