
We need more whimsy in our lives


A bit of whimsy is a true delight in one’s life. I am a firm believer in whimsy.  The word whimsy has been around for over four hundred years at least. But I do not feel that we use it enough. Nor do we live it enough. There are definitely times in which one needs to be serious. But there are times when we need to be fanciful. And we need to be ok with that individually and at a collective level.   There is just to much pain and anger these days. Maybe if we were a bit more whimsical, we could lower our societal blood pressure and be a bit more unified. Maybe I am too idealistic or naive or just goofy. Who knows?  But I like whimsy.


Last week, I had the chance to visit my beloved New York City  for a short 18 hours. It was an extremely quick trip but I felt rejuvenated. Maybe it was the brisk air, but I felt renewed. Ironically, the cold gave me a spring to my step.  Partly, my new sense of pep came from coming across this cool new sculpture on the east side of New York City.


It is a 30 foot tall Dalmatian balancing a cab on his nose.  Unbelievably, that is a real car on his nose. The cab is in actuality a Toyota Prius with working windshield wipers and lights. I suppose you could try to drive it. Although, I am not too sure whether there is an actual engine in it. Probably not. Regardless, it is such a cool piece!  It was created by artist Donald Lipski. And, when you see it, you feel good as a smile automatically forms on your face. And, in turn, you want to do a little dance or hop and skip your way across the city. If only we could bottle up that sense of whimsy and drink it early in the morning with our coffee.  If we could, life would be a little less stressful. But if we can’t bottle up that particular whimsy, make your own and share it with others.



20 replies »

  1. True.. We Really
    Do Need Mary
    And All
    The Less
    Than Bloody
    Whimsy… The Priest
    At Our Church Used
    A Muppet in a Kid’s Play
    About Joy in his Homily
    Rather than addressing
    The Week’s
    By God
    It Was Appropriate..;)


I welcome your thoughts