
Out with the old shoes and coats

It’s the most wonderful time of the year. My son is so excited for what is to come. He loves Christmas.  He loves the music and gifts.  He likes giving hugs.  And while we go all out with Christmas celebrations, we also observe Hanukkah which starts next week. What a lucky boy he is to be in such a culturally rich world and home.   It is Chrismukkah time.

He is also thrilled that my sister and her family are coming to live with us.  We are about to be a rather large family.   We will be eight people and a dog. I may need more mojito mixes.  It almost feels like we are a hallmark channel sitcom.  It’s indeed the most wonderful time of the year.


And in that spirit of it being a great time of the year, I am cleaning out my closets.  I have tended to keep things for a rather long timer. However, these days I am ok getting rid of things that just no longer have a use.   Nostalgia can only go so far when you are about to triple in household member size. Nostalgia will have to rely in part on my memories and laughter in the moment.   Meaning we have to live each moment. Really live it and be present. Of course, despite my ever growing (year-long) spring cleaning, I still hold onto many, many items. I can’t seem to throw away my son’s baby clothese. What I plan to do with them, I really don’t know.  However, I just am not yet ready to throw or give those items away. I just can’t.


As I looked for items to throw away, I did come across one pair of shoes and one winter down coat that I can most certainly part with.  I have had these pair of shoes for over a decade. I have had that coat for at least half a decade.   But I felt moved to get rid of them.


I thanked them both for their years of service to me and gently laid them in my garbage can. They were each a bit scuffed and worn. But I could have kept going with them. But it is all about the symbolism, right?    Of course, this all coincides with the time that maybe my son will get me a new pair of shoes. Or so I whispered in his ears.

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