Category: Academia

101 introduction

Today marks 101 days straight of writing. Some days have been easier. On other days, it’s been quite a struggle to string a sentence together. Lately, my brain has been a tad bit foggy. Simple tasks such as writing my name down on a clipboard at the radiology […]

Majoring in the minors

Back in college, I had a lot of academic interests. Although, there was never any question that psychology would be my major. My major major. I ended up with a double major with political science. I know I was a major nerd, geek, or whatever other term that […]

The view from the back

  When I was a young girl, I was a major nerd that definitely tried to get in good with the teachers. I was sweet, timid and smart. The teachers did, for the most part, like me. I was their success story. When school district administrators came by […]