
No matter how dark the storm may seem, there is always hope on the horizon

Today weighed heavily on my psyche as I grappled with a tough decision and a hard task with the weight of uncertainty pressing down like a heavy blanket.  Although, admittedly,  I love to take naps with weighted blankets. But lately, the weight has been heavier than usual. But I digress little.  Back to the story at hand.

And then, as if to mirror my inner turmoil, a bird collided with my window, its frail body splayed out on the ground, seemingly fatally injured.

We rushed to its side, my heart heavy with empathy for this wounded creature. As we gently picked him up and placed him on our yard’s wall, I couldn’t help but feel a profound sense of connection to his plight. We stared at each other, two souls momentarily intertwined in a moment of shared vulnerability.

For a while, he remained still, stunned by the impact of his fall. I watched, feeling a pang of sadness at his plight, fearing the worst as he sought refuge under a nearby rock. Surely, I thought, this would be the end of his journey.

But then, like a ray of hope piercing through the darkness, he emerged from his hiding place, his wings unfurling with newfound strength. In that moment, I realized the profound lesson he had taught me – that sometimes, we fall and can’t find the strength to get back up right away. But with a helping hand, faith, and perseverance, we can overcome even the greatest of challenges.

As he took flight, his wings beating against the sky, I couldn’t help but feel a swell of admiration for his resilience. In his struggle, I found solace and inspiration, a reminder that no matter how dark the storm may seem, there is always hope on the horizon, waiting to lift us up and carry us forward.

3 replies »

  1. “Fix These Broken Wings”

    True for me at Least Dear

    Miriam my Wings Are What
    Make me Whole in the Feel
    And Sense of Liberating Balance

    Weight of Finger Tips Carrying HeHE ALL

    250 Pounds of my Body These Days
    in Balance Yes Peace Head To Toe

    A Dance ThiS Way of Life

    Springs Wings For Real

    Additionally Free in Song

    We Used to Provide Moral
    Welfare And Recreation for
    Pilots of a Military Installation

    Great Efforts They Put into Flying
    A Plane Yet it takes me still 10 Years
    (NoW All 19,688 Miles Continuing NeW)
    And 6 Months to Make lift off to Fly
    On Terrestrial Land Emotionally

    Regulating Sensory Integrating

    Back in the Dead Zone Days my

    Rich Well Fed Uncle Pointed to

    A Seagull And Said it Could Be Worse
    You Could Be A Seagull Eating Raw Fish

    He Was Really Into Food Yet Apparently
    Not So Much Flying On Terrestrial Land

    And Then Hehe

    It’s All About Perspective
    Above Below Different And Same

    When Arms Legs Feet And Hands
    Become Wings Life is Really Amazing
    It Would Be Impossible For Anyone Else
    to Lift me Any Higher Loving Life in Peace For Real

    Or Subtracting


    Land iN FLiGHT…

    i Mentioned to my
    Uncle the Seagull’s
    Name Is Similar to ‘Jonathan’

    It’s True Flying And Reading
    Wasn’t His ‘Thing’

    And That’s
    Okay too

    We Don’t
    All Gain Wings

    And Tale the Story
    For Others to Read With SMiLes..:)


  2. I’ve met this bird before. His name is Charlie Brownbird. He was being chased by another bird who got all the best parts in commercials and didn’t want Charlie to come to an audition. The bully bird chased him into the glass pane of a corporate building. He survived but didn’t learn how to avoid glass panes. Not having nine lives, he is destined to be killed by a cat. Hopefully on his 8th crash, he’ll find an acting coach and agent, but probably he’ll be killed by the same crow who ate his beloved’s eggs and destroyed his family but hopefully someone will eat crow. Charlie Brownbird ruined his eyes by reading too many Aesop’s fables and was weakened by pecking at footballs and making too many allusions. The sky’s the limit.


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