
So this is Christmas on the road: I’ll see you soon dear ornaments

My precious Christmas ornaments have made their way ahead of me to our home. I love Christmas ornaments and have been collecting them for some time. Some are homemade and some are expensive trinkets from abroad. Did I mention that I collect shot glasses as well? I do. From every state and country I have been to and I have been to all 50 states except Alaska. I really need to find my way there. I had hoped I would this past year or so since I was in California. But that did not happen for a number of both good and bad reasons. I hate when bad reasons get in the way of accomplishing goals or getting things done. Yes, it is Christmas and I still digress. And, stopping my digressions is not a new year resolution. Its who I am. Or as Edie Brickell sang “What I am is what I am are you what you are or what“.

Back to my ornaments. We are moving back to New York from Los Angeles. Its been an interesting three years. But its time to return to my most wonderful place. We are driving cross-country and on this Christmas day we are on the road past the halfway mark. More than half. We are driving today from Missouri to West Virginia. My son is ecstatic as Santa Claus managed to find us since he has a special tracker. My dog wants to play with his new toy but the thriwn toy will only go so far in a car. My turtle seems to like the waves in his tank. And me? I have come to love the fat free cappuccinos from the Circle K. I had never gone there before now but I now understand why Bill and Ted hung out there. Although, I have yet to see anything strange afoot the Circle K.

So, this is Christmas. Life is an adventure and today is no different. Meanwhile, we may very well make a collage ornament for next year based on this year traveling Christmas adventure.

Wishing you a wonderful, warm, and joyous Christmas.

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