Tag: fake

The words of a charlatan

Overenthused Over-complimentary Opaque 1,000 words a minute Unremarkable, yet fantastic Punctuated in all the wrong places Randomly set Just between us Honestly, honestly Like a butterfly song Flitter and flutter You want to believe because its so pretty But don’t turn your brain off Don’t be fleeced of […]

A muted sense of joy out of cynacism

A merry-go-round was never her thing. Even on those slow-moving supposed entertainment mechanisms she would feel ill. An odd feeling of unease would overcome het. She felt an odd nostalgia around redundancy and feelings of inadequacy. If she couldn’t handle a carousel, what would happen on a rollercoaster? […]

Yup, aha, next…

Just last week I waxed and waned about a pet peeve of mine. Well, I have many. And many are not really all that deep nor are they truly things that keep me up at night. They are just things that mildly irk me and once I talk […]