
Duck it! Here’s a a poem with no rhyme or reason

Silly morning lyric between a mom and her son inspired by Ginsberg’s quote: “Follow your inner moonlight; don’t hide the madness“. Today is such a day to be silly and mad and everything in between.

Socks and shoes strewn about: I ain’t no PTA Mom




Ok baby

Socks and shoes
Socks and shoes
Going to put my eyes in
Then, its time to go and schmooze

Socks and shoes
Socks and shoes
Did you hear me baby?
Its getting near time to go and cruise

Socks and shoes
Oh wait
Where are your underroos?
This is no way to test your fate

Socks and shoes
All strewn about
I’ve got the PTA blues
As my som ain’t no boy scout

Socks and shoes
Socks and shoes
Coffee stains
And hurried steps
My boy is the best
Even as we are a hot mess


7 replies »

  1. The socks are hidden in the deep, dark unknown that is the drier. Many will enter, few will return. Lovers will be torn asunder, led to tread this world alone. If only they had tied the knot before they entered that cyclone of destruction. They could have held on. — my stream of consciousness on socks! Thanks for the inspiration!


  2. Loved this poem which has given me an idea for a poem of my own about my Velcro child whose 22nd birthday is today. She now lives a couple thousand miles away and I only hear from her once a week. I was fortunate to have a job that allowed me to be a PTA, Girl Scout AND soccer mom when my kids were growing up which left me with a very mixed bag of memories and experiences.


I welcome your thoughts