
A great day for 1,111 posts

OH MY! Ok, I will stop with the All-Caps. That is quite annoying. Isn’t it beyond irritating when a colleague sends an email with All-Caps? Makes you wonder if they are trying to make a point or just didn’t bother proofreading their communication. I don’t think many people proofread or copy edit anymore. Surely, you have seen all the media articles out there with typos in them. We seem to just ignore the typos and just move on trying to hone in on whatever sentiment is being expressed. I readily admit, I don’t have spellcheck programmed for these posts. Thus there are likely to be some typos. So now that you know I don’t use spellcheck, my typos can come across as minor irritants considering there could be so much more of them. See that? I changed the framing and expectations. I would say that I have mightily digressed. However, I really had no set direction for today’s tale. So far, so good.

Here we go. Today, marks 1,111 straight days of posts. It makes me wonder how it is that I keep on going. Admittedly, as of late I have slacked off a little in my writing. I’ve posted way later than usual. I’ve posted on very superficial bits. Yet, words still flow. My brain, and perhaps my heart, still feels the need to vent and share my thoughts and opinions. Luckily for me there are people out there who continue on this journey with me. Thank you! Thank you!

I decided to research the number 1,111 and it has a lot of historical and supposed divine meaning. One website noted that the number 1,111 signals that “you are one with life and with all that is. It’s the signal that you should live in the light that surrounds you”. I can certainly go along with such a sentiment. Today, I’ll bask in light. I will seek light. Let’s leave the darkness behind. It’s really not a bad take on or frame to life. Right?

10 replies »

  1. Hehe.. indulge Yourself
    i am Not Afraid of Caps
    In Facts i am not afraid of
    1’s i am Impressed with
    Your 4 1’s of Achievement
    Writing 1,111 Consecutive
    Days Let me check the
    Day to Day Internet
    Counter since
    Giving Day
    2010.. Be Right
    Back.. Yes.. 3540
    Consecutive Days
    Of Writing But it’s
    Really 3 5’s too
    As that’s 505
    Weeks And 5
    Days as of Now
    But anyway back
    To 1’s since i am
    Born on 6.6.60
    The Handy Numerology
    Calculator Online Also
    Says My Report With
    Full Born Name
    Makes Challenges
    In Life starting at
    Birth as Zero For
    Tarot Number
    Fool For Free
    Will For Whatever
    The Hell or Heaven
    i Wanna do Nothing
    Or Everything With
    The Next Three Life
    Challenges of Just
    Affirming Which Ever
    One i Wanna Do With
    3 1’s.. Yes 1, 1, and 1
    After the First
    Of Zero
    So to make a
    Longer Story
    Shorter i
    So Far Do
    All And
    And Heaven
    And Hell too
    Just to
    Die to Live
    With SMiLes Now
    Closest i will
    Capitalizing 1!😊🎶
    Congratulations PM


  2. The think about typos… I can understand Joe Blogger having a couple in a post. They jump out at me but I let them slide.
    But then you have major media outlets… If you are too cheap to proof your copy it implies you are cheap in general. Or maybe in too much of a hurry to beat your competitor by a minute. If so, maybe you are too cheap or too hurried to fact check as well?
    Yeah, well they are nowadays. And probably figure the public is too brainless to notice or care.


I welcome your thoughts