current events

I’m going to miss my lizard friends

Summer is coming to a close. And, I am obsessed with that fact. Some might push back and remind me that technically we still have 30 days till autumn officially begins. But everyday from this weekend through August I’m going to be thinking of how I can make the most of the remaining days of summer.

I’m reminded of a song by Bryan Adams called the Summer of ’69. There’s a set of lyrics that note:

the summer of sixty-nine, oh, Man, we were killin’ time, we were young and restless. We needed to unwind I guess nothin’ can last forever, forever, no..”

We had a wonderful summer of travel and connection. And, I’m saddened that it will come to an end. I wanted to give my son the best summer ever. It was a lofty, crazy goal. I tend to set such goals quite often. I like to push myself and make things grand for my son. I want us to reminisce and look back on the summer of ’19.

As I contemplate the end of summer and go through the 1,000s of photographs I took thus far this summer, I realize I’m also going to miss my lizard friends. Everywhere I went this summer, a little lizard creature found me. I assume that’s a sign of good luck. Or I will take it as such. I wonder what my winter animal will be.

7 replies »

  1. Young Woman Telling Wife i’m Filled With
    SPiRiT ANiMaL of Dance
    Hope It’s A Loving
    Dragon A Puff
    The (A) Magic One
    It Used to make
    me SAD When
    Summer Ended
    Seasonal Affective Disorder Not Unlike
    19 Others Work/School Related…
    4 Doctors Readily Document my Old
    Profession Makes
    Bi-polar/Autism Functionally Disabling
    Pissed Off Extended ‘First Baptist’ Family Members
    That i Dance Sing Life Love And Still Get Paid…
    Showed my Wife A Selfie of Puff A MaGiC Dancing Dragon Smiling With A Beautiful Young Woman
    She Feels Who ‘the’ Dragon Really is so
    Only Compersion…
    No J For Jealousy…
    Extended Family Members Saw ‘the Dragon’ Dancing in his ‘Loin Cloth’ And De-Friended Him on FB
    Thanks PM For inspiring These FB (Haiku) Fredku’s This Morning.. No offending Family.. Hehe…
    Wife Insists A
    Young Woman’s
    Smile Looks Like
    She is in Heaven…
    Fascinating How Human Archetypal Stories Repeat… Both Myth And Real…
    Cheers to
    Lizards and
    Sunshine Staycation..:)


  2. You’re letting go of the lazy days of summer far too soon. School?

    We’re going out on the late hot afternoons and bobbing around (okay, the husband swims a few laps, but not seriously) in the outdoor pool. And that will last to late September/early October, as the end of August marks a full year here, so we know a bit about how the California ‘seasons’ go.

    If that is the rhythm of your lives, so be it.


I welcome your thoughts