
Three windows onto the world for mom

I had a very chatty Uber driver the other day. Too chatty as I often use my car rides as a time in which I hold business calls. That particular ride I could not do any business and maybe it was for the best. Actually, I tend to get very chatty Uber drivers in general. Actually, I get very chatty people near me all the time. It’s something about me. Could be my round face, wide eyes. Could be that I smell like a psychologist. Could be that I emanate a certain vibe and put out a particular energy. Maybe I should run for President.

Back to the chatty guy. He talked about healthcare and its high costs. He talked about community policing. He talked about being woke. He was a week away from starting his new police enforcement career. Considering his apparent empathy, I truly wish him the best. But as he spoke he also touched upon grief. He was grieving the passing of his grandfather and I found that beautiful. He was hoping grief would pass quickly as it hurt so much. I told him time does indeed help but will never take grief away completely. Nor do you want it to. I still grieve the passing of my mother and I wouldn’t have it any other way. It still hurts. I still wonder if anything more could have been done. I look at my son and am saddened he won’t know her. But I am glad that I still grieve.

I haven’t talked much about her lately but it doesn’t mean I have forgotten her. This summer, in which I plan to take my son on many trips small and large, I’m contemplating bringing her last pair of glasses with me. I can hold them up against the windows onto the world and show her what the world has to offer. Have her see what I see. And, I can try to see the world from her perspective. To experience the world from multiple perspectives is a gift. And, I’m grateful even if still sad.

19 replies »

  1. If you had a decent relationship with your mother – and most people do, despite the horror stories – you will always miss her. And she will always be there, popping up at odd moments, her words suddenly coming out of nowhere to exit from your mouth.

    It is the nature of the beast.

    My kids will have the same kind of odd memories of me one day. And there’s not much I can do about it now!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Holy C this is what i get still now
    for not paying enough Attention
    hehe.. you didn’t miss a day but
    i did miss your post
    when i visited your
    Site Directly
    Life is normal again.. hAha..
    The Sky is not Falling 6 am
    comes and goes as usual here..;)

    Liked by 1 person

  3. An interesting way to travel with mom. Generally I get very nonverbal drivers. The one exception was a driver in Honolulu who told me as I climbed in that if I voted for Trump I had to get out.


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