
When to provide a heads up

Loyalty is expected but hard to give sometimes. Or so it seems these days. People want to believe others will have their back, but daily life is layered in nuance and competing interests. It also seems that some have taken to heart Game of Thrones believing life is one big quest for the Iron Throne. In this odd way of being there’s a continuous maneuvering.

Interestingly, in the last year, I have had several people implore me to give them “a heads up”. Specifically, I was asked to let them know if and when I knew a certain fate was to befall them. For instance, sometimes people will ask you to give them a heads up if you hear they will be let go. Or they may want to have a warning if somehow you know their significant other is contemplating ending the relationship. But can you let someone know that if you get the heads up. Can you pay that heads up forward? It is an odd conundrum depending on how you found out in the first place. How people connect and help each other out can take various forms. But a heads up can be chancy and iffy.

On Game of Thrones, giving a heads up to one another didn’t really work out as it created innumerable new problems. The same is true in the real world. Sometimes, it is just better to play along. But at other points, the smart move is to provide fair warning. You feel better about yourself and you help someone in the process. But make sure it’s all reasonable and won’t cause you headaches.

6 replies »

  1. In A Grand Scheme of Life Dark Makes Light Makes Dark Villains
    Remind Us
    To Be Heroes
    Make Positive
    Change in Light
    Out of Negative
    Dark up is down
    And Down is
    Up Below
    Down Above
    Pleased to meet
    You Before i introduce
    Myself on my 6.6.60
    Birthday hehe
    Have A
    For Devils
    A Light Bringer
    Will Dance Sing Too..
    HAHa Just a Head’s
    Up for what’s ALReaDY
    CoMe Finishing STarTinG ALWaYS NoW.. Get DowN
    WitH iT
    Up Hehe..;)


  2. As one of the only people on the planet to have never seen an episode of GOT I do not know about the “throne” but the image is one that I can identify with easily. Now it seems that many people just have an “eye on the prize’. As for the ‘heads up’ I think that discretion is the greater part of valor when giving heads ups.


  3. I turn up to work with no idea what will happen, it is the nature of the job so fairs fair
    But when something is happening, no one tells me jack!

    So for me the idea of getting a heads up is very attractive, although curiously; when I use to be told the boss wanted to see me at the beginning of a shift it screwed me up with anxiety! but now my boss ambushes me on the way out instead of warning me …so apparently the whole heads up thing doesn’t work all the time!

    Although a tactical ‘few polite words’ with the key folks in passing on occasion with enough time to ‘quickly talk’, well it is a damn good way to keep ahead of the curve it seems?!


I welcome your thoughts