
Hi…oh, nevermind

Pet peeves, despite being fundamentally annoying, can be fun. Or rather, one can laugh at them. Or rather, one can laugh at the people who have some silly pet peeves. Or, you can commiserate and list out your own. Today, someone shared with me several of their pet peeves. And, they were really worked up. As I listened I started thinking of my own pet peeves.

And just in that moment I got a text message from a friend who said “Hi. How’s it going?” I believed he really wanted to know. Why else text? I responded quickly and then tick tock. Tick tock. It was the same experience in a group chat. One had texted us all and the rest of us responded quickly and she didn’t respond for hours. This was not the first time.

I have come to realize there are some people who reach out and that is good enough for them. If you respond it is cool but they feel no immediate need to further respond. They get distracted. They get called into other things. They go to sleep. They have 20 other conversations occuring simultaneously.

I suppose it is nice that they made an effort to show they are thinking of you. It is a nice gesture. But it irks me to just have it be a “one and done” communication till the next one (way later on). Why start a conversation if you can’t follow it through?

We are so easily fragmented. We so easily move on to something or someone else. I have gotten used to it. I don’t like it but I have learned to expect it.

10 replies »

  1. BTY.. i’M Diagnosed By
    4 Professionals With
    Autism And I’m The
    Least Autistic Person
    i Know
    That i am
    Enough From
    This Culture to
    Roll With Human
    Wheels.. It Is Culture
    That Was/Is Truly Autistic
    More Than Ever ‘Advancing’
    That Way of Meaningless Text
    With Little
    Organic Soul
    No Voice of Humanity
    So i Dance For there is no
    Choice For People to Hear
    And See that i
    Am Human I Guess
    i Need to Find ‘Phone Home’


    ‘They’ Didn’t
    Feel My HeART….

    SMiLes ..Thanks
    For the ‘Idea’
    PM.. That’s my
    Peeve For the
    Day I need a Cat….


I welcome your thoughts