
Home is where my baby is


Thee last 6 weeks (or even more than that) have been ones where I was constantly doing something.   I packed up and sold a house, moved into an apartment, had three weeks of back to back business trips, got a major rash from a centipede bite that sent me to urgent care and countless other things.


This last week was particularly hard on my physically and mentally.  I had my centipede bite, I had a multitude of errands and I had connecting flights that just tired me out completely.  What really hit me hard was that I missed Halloween with my baby.  It is one of my favorite holidays and he loves all the festivities associated with it.  Even though he doesn’t really eat sweets, he loves trick or treating. Now we have a huge bag of candy that neither of us is going to eat. I suppose I can bring it to work and give other people cavities.


In one particular moment during my business trip, I got a little sad as I thought of my baby back home.   All I wanted in that moment was to hold his hand and hear one of his silly YouTube stories that I absolutely do not understand. I craved hearing his voice. I craved haring him giggle. I craved watching him sleep.  I wanted to go home because of him. Wherever he is I want to be and that is home.   I wanted to catch the sunrise and sunset with him by my side. And, this weekend with no pressing tasks on hand, I did. We went on our balcony and watched them together and stood there hand in hand in awe.   Not that is what the doctor ordered!


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